CBME Turkiye | 11 - 14 December 2024

Venue | Istanbul Expo Center Hall 1-2-4-8

Visiting Hours | 09.30 - 18.30 (Wednesday-Friday)
                           09.30 - 16.00 (Saturday)                          

5 Steps for Online Marketplace and Your Future

The online marketplace has become a global marketplace with technological developments. During the ongoing pandemic period, the change in consumer habits, restrictions, and the focus on digital projects in the marketing activities of brands have further increased the sales rates. And so the future investments of online shopping and e-commerce platforms as well. This is why we listed the 5 steps for the online marketplace in this blog post.

With the 150% increase in online orders today, companies have started to make digital investments and leave digital footprints for their future. The pandemic period showed that it is no longer possible to ignore the digital world and social media...Online shopping and purchasing preferences vary greatly in the world according to the locations, cultural items, and product categories. The comfort of the online marketplace offers the opportunity to spend less time, learn more, and compare, which seems to be the mainstream form of marketing in the future.

The failure rate is always higher for small businesses. However, smart strategies, current marketing trends, and R&D studies can bring you to a good point. E-commerce giants Amazon, Google, Alibaba, Facebook, and Instagram are unlikely to fail when their budgets, data, and marketing networks are considered. But there are also strategies that make them successful and so preferred. These strategies can enable you to be among the companies that make a difference with the online marketplace.

1. Accessible, User-Friendly Businesses in Searches 


Having a consumer experience in the digital world and seeing your brand through someone else's eyes can make you more innovative and solution-oriented. Google your brand often on search engines like a customer seeking a product or set of services you offer. How do you appear in which search results, have you used the right keywords, how are user comments? Remember, every result you get is very valuable. For shopping, your brand must be known and visible first.

The next step is; designing your website like a virtual store. Your website, which replaces salespeople in physical stores, should ensure that users can easily find all the necessary information and products they want and achieve their goals with the right directions. Also, if your site is user-friendly, search engines, as well as visitors, will make you more accessible.

2. Positioning 

In the digital market, it will be advantageous for you to position yourself correctly for your brand and to know how your competitors position themselves. On which platforms do your competitors advertise? With what slogans do they market their products? Do they collaborate with influencer-brand ambassadors? Are there product review videos on video platforms? Answering such questions will reveal how brands relate themselves to consumers. With the right steps, you can be more competitive and more accessible.

Here, we would like to draw attention to another important point. You should be standardized in terms of information and visuals in social media, on your website, on sectoral platforms. In other words, you should show the same logo, same address, same expressions, and same stance. This will make you more professional and therefore more interesting.

3. Marketing Best Selling Products 

Critical success factors for online startups are having an outstanding product, a catchy brand, and fan engagement. If you know the strong and distinctive sides of your brand, you can become advantageous in the digital market. Identify the most preferred and most purchased products by your customers and develop marketing strategies based on them. For example, bring user comments about these products to your site, use the images of these products in advertising expenditures and focus on these products, gift your products to those who can be brand ambassadors, and let them share their experiences.

 4. Being Accessible 

Nowadays, big companies such as Amazon and Google have started to distribute products with drones and robotic technologies. Because, even in the digital world, the process of reaching of product to the consumer at the end of online shopping is one of the important reasons for preference. The preference of many brands or e-commerce platforms has a lot to do with the distribution network and speed. Users always want to feel safe for themselves and their products. Make sure that your distribution network is developed and you can reach your audience quickly and easily, create your distribution network and agreements accordingly.

5. Participating in Digital Events 


Digital events including e-commerce weeks, panels, sectoral sessions, educations and more, will enable you to learn new information, discover new products or acquire new collaborations and market your products, regardless of your experience in the industry. Do not forget that taking
part in such sectoral events will benefit you both in terms of the awareness of your brand and for you to stand out from your competitors.

Published Date: 08 February 2021

Strategies to Increase Sales Rates in 6 Steps

Strategies to increase sales rates are basically based on making consumers constantly want to buy new products. Major retail brands in the world, whose annual revenue reaches billions, adopt different strategies to attract customers and direct them to sales. Here are 6 trend strategies that stand out among them.